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1 funky chicken  Fri, Apr 1, 2011 7:42:48am

oh dear

2 MinisterO  Fri, Apr 1, 2011 9:57:56am

I'm impressed. The audience was dead quiet while he was talking about Fox News. Dumbfounded, I suspect.

I'll be more even impressed if he manages to avoid apologizing to the AM radio blowhard.

3 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter  Fri, Apr 1, 2011 10:08:03am

Yay, the honeymoon is over. Libertarians and Republicans can now resume tearing each other apart. Especially since it it should become apparent shortly, if it isn't already, that Republicans are going to "betray" libertarians now that they successfully used them to get into office.

4 gehazi  Fri, Apr 1, 2011 10:31:00am

One of the best thing about the Pauls is that they have clear principles and stick to them. Granted, many of those principles are crazy, but I'd much rather deal with honest crazy person than a dishonest lying scumbag like Newt.

5 FreedomMoon  Fri, Apr 1, 2011 11:42:34am

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. With that said he hits the nail on the head.

6 Bill Nye: People Magazine 'Sexiest Man Alive'  Fri, Apr 1, 2011 11:43:23am

re: #4 gehazi
I agree with what you are saying, for instance, those stupid little arian nation guys running around spouting off racist crap and how they want separate homelands blah, blah, bleck. They are ostracized by the larger community, they know they are despised and people hate them. But, i know where they stand. They are very honest about how they feel and what they are trying to do. It's the other white supremacists that pretend to be honorable members of their community and hold government positions but secretly support racist agendas who make me sick. I believe the Paul's are also like this. Ron Paul has some despicably racist friends, and the trouble he got into with his shockingly racist newsletters, tells me he is one of these despicable dishonest racist, anti semetists. He is smart and dishonest enough to know he needs to hide it to climb the ladder of political power. I don't find the Rands honest at all.

7 What, me worry?  Fri, Apr 1, 2011 12:17:27pm

lol 2012 is gonna be a hoot!

8 theheat  Fri, Apr 1, 2011 6:18:58pm

If a racist douchebag makes comments on another douchebag's philandering, does it definitively prove which is the douchiest of the two?

9 Bill Nye: People Magazine 'Sexiest Man Alive'  Fri, Apr 1, 2011 8:49:33pm

re: #8 theheatlol. This one is a draw.

10 Bill Nye: People Magazine 'Sexiest Man Alive'  Fri, Apr 1, 2011 8:52:21pm

re: #6 Cankles McCellulite

I don't find the Rands honest at all.

oops. Meant to write, Rand or the Pauls.

11 Nemesis6  Fri, Apr 1, 2011 9:08:49pm

re: #6 Cankles McCellulite

There's another angle to this. Ron Paul being a favorite to all kinds of screwballs from Creationists to Nazis is directly attributable to his discontent with the constitution. Ron Paul doesn't believe in the separation of church and state. Ron Paul believes that the federal government should stay out of state matters.

So if L Ron had his way, removing the First Amendment and the Supremacy Clause, the Creationists would be free to not only teach Creationism in school and not have to disguise it by calling it "critical analysis", the racists/neo-confederate screwballs/anti-abortionists, or whatever type of crazies would be free to enact whatever nonsense ideas are in majority in their local state because they're free from the shackles of the constitution, which Ron Paul demonstrably hates, even though the Ronbots like to market him as a "champion of the constitution".

12 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Fri, Apr 1, 2011 10:47:07pm

hahahaha fight it out, Newt and Paul! Into the ring! No hairpulling!

13 Tigger2005  Sat, Apr 2, 2011 7:34:59am

re: #12 WindUpBird

hahahaha fight it out, Newt and Paul! Into the ring! No hairpulling!

But hitting below the belt, hard & frequently, is OK.

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